The earthquake of October 8, 2005 destroyed most of the Frontier (NWFP) and Kashmir (AJK) regions of Pakistan and caused widespread death and devastation. An area of approximately 30,000 kilometers was affected where more than 3 million lived in hamlets perched on Himalayan mountain slopes and valleys. 711073 This catastrophic disaster was described as the world’s third deadliest natural disaster in the last 25 years. It killed more than 87,000; injured more than a 100,000 and made 3 million people homeless in the highest mountain ranges in the world.
Brennan RJ and Waldman RJ, New England Journal of Medicine, In partnership with HOAP, Real Medicine Foundation established a medical relief camp in Jabri (UC Shohal Moizullah), District Mansehra, to help alleviate the sufferings of the residents of remote villages atop the mountains close to Balakot.
The medical camp ran for more than three months. During that period, patients were treated for crushed injuries, infected wounds, orthopedics problems, post operative care and acute illnesses sustained as a result of the earthquake, others experienced treatment for chronic diseases lying dormant for years due to the remoteness of the region. As the BHU established by the Government had been completely destroyed, the need for sustained health care for the residents of the area was felt strongly.
In October 2006, considering the size of the catchment area, the health unit was shifted from Jabri, Shohal Moizullah to UC Talhatta where a larger population base could be served. Through this move, patients from Jabri, UC Shohal Moizullah and Union Council Talhatta could be served simultaneously. As the word is spreading and thousands of people have access to medical care for the first time in their lives, our healthcare unit now covers a population of approximately 119,364 people, from the five union councils of Talhatta, Shohal Moizullah, Garlat, Gari Habibullah and Balakot.
This Health Unit employs a full time MBBS Doctor, a Medical Technician, two LHVs and a Dispenser. It is outfitted with a complete range of medical equipments, including a Nebulizer, Glucometer, Deep Freezer/Refrigerator (for some medicines and vaccines), an Oxygen Gas Cylinder, a complete ENT Diagnostic set, and a well equipped room for examining OB/Gyn cases, as well as an ECG machine.
We have initiated several Community Outreach Programs, among them a very successful Maternal and Child Health Training Workshop in February 2007.