Our first Pakistan Flood Relief Outreach Clinic


Through the generous support of our recent donors and our amazing RMF Pakistan team and partner organization, Relief Foundation, we are proud to announce that we successfully held our first free Flood Relief Medical and Dental camp this past Sunday 22nd of August in Paindakhel, Charsada District of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, Pakistan.

As soon as the camp was set up patients started arriving in great number and were waiting in long queues to be seen. The doctors examined and treated 1,767 male and female patients, providing them with medicine and other medical supplies. Around 78 serious cases were referred to three other hospitals in the area: DHQ charsada, LRH Peshawar and Khyber Teaching Hospital.

The response of the community after has been very appreciative and positive, and they helped support the staff in any way they could to help make the event successful.  According to many in the community, children and women have been effected the most by this devastating flood, unprecedented in this region, and they appreciated the special areas set up for woman and children in the camp.

As a result of all the hard work of the field staff, including the doctors and other staff of the partner organizations and the cooperation and support of the local community the free medical camp was a great success and easily achieve it’s objectives.

We look forward to holding many more of these outreach clinics in this and other tent camps.  Continue funding will be needed to support this outreach area and support our permanent clinic in Balakot.

For more information about our Flood Relief Efforts, please visit our website.

To contribute to our Flood Relief Efforts, visit our website at realmedicinefoundation.org.