Pakistan: Inauguration of our new clinic in Gulbella, Charsadda District


We are very proud to have just opened another full time healthcare clinic in Pakistan with the support of the Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America (APPNA) and our fantastic implementing team of doctors on the ground.  In addition to our many Flood Relief camps and our other full time clinic in Balakot, are efforts in Pakistan are continuing to gain ground.



The devastating flood during the monsoon season of 2010 created havoc over a wide area across Pakistan. Although the flood affected the lives of thousands of families and individuals in each province of the country, due to Charsadda District’s close proximity to the Kabul and Indus Rivers, the long term damage has been more severe in this area.

The destruction of most of the health facilities and the already weak economic condition of the region has made the inhabitants even more vulnerable to health problems. In light of the critical situation in Charsadda, Real Medicine Foundation decided to establish a Basic Health Unit (BHU) in the town of Gulbella, in the Union Council of Sardaryab for a period of at least six months to serve the flood victims of the region.

RMF in collaboration with the Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America (APPNA) has started this Basic Health Unit (BHU) aiming to provide free health services for the flood affectees.



After finding a suitable location for the BHU, located in a newly constructed building on the main Charsadda-Peshawar road, the challenge was to set up the clinic in a very short time span to serve the tremendous needs of the flood victims. The Real Medicine Foundation team worked day and night to establish this new Basic Health Unit (BHU), hiring the medical staff, renovating the building, buying the medicines, supplies, equipment and furniture.

After preparing the setup for the Basic Health Unit with the help of RMF staff and volunteers, the clinic was opened on December 15th, 2010 with all staff and many notables from the area present. The facility was formally inaugurated on the 19th of December, 2010 by Dr. Rubina Mumtaz, Country Director, RMF Pakistan in the presence of the RMF field staff and the notables of the area. Dr. Rubina Mumtaz praised the RMF field staff for their hard work and congratulated them for succeeding in establishing the facility in such a short period of time.

57 patients visited the BHU for treatment on the first day, most of them being women and children.



The clinic is housed is in a newly constructed, very clean and compact building, and each section of the clinic has been walled into cubicle format.


  • Registration
  • Lady Health Visitors
  • Medical Officer
  • Dressing Counter
  • Vaccinations
  • Pharmacy

More blogs on RMF’s  efforts in Pakistan can be found here: 1st2nd3rd and 4th,  5th and 6th,  7th and 8th9th and 10th, 11 and 12th

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